Evolutionary Tools For Spiritual Attainment & Healing



The AKA DUA is pure energy, and a powerful force of creative expression on the quantum-level. This evolutionary system for spiritual attainment is an ancient Solar energy refined and purified by the descendants of the priestly Toltec lineage; originating within ancient mystery schools. When you engage with the 7 Key Frequencies corresponding with the Elements, Earth, Cosmos, and God, there are infinite combinations, dynamics, and qualitative aspects that provide limitless variations and thusly. . . unlimited possibilities!

The new 8th Aka Dua Frequency. . . 

An 8th Frequency was given to me in 2024 that came through the Solar origins of the Aka Dua that exists as a separate modality, and expresses as the unified force of the Divine Feminine and Masculine in perfect and balanced union. This frequency has been named STARFIRE, and stems from higher cosmic origins desiring to assist humanity in this time of spiritual unfoldment, recognition, and Ascension. The transmission and teachings for Starfire Alchemy include receiving the Starfire Symbol, techniques for Entering the Temple of Holiness, and accessing the Grid of Solar Consciousness for the benefit of healing and transfiguration for self and others. In order to receive the Starfire Frequency Modality you must be at minimum, an Aka Dua Level 2.

The Aka Dua is much different from any other available modalities, and is used for one's own spiritual development and evolution, as well as healing of self and others. It provides a heightened surge of power that begins to transform ones body, communicating with all aspects of who you are--physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and energetic. As you work with the Aka Dua your heart begins to open as the trajectory of your life aligns with your true path and purpose, and acknowledgment of your true and infinite nature elevates your energetic capacity, and creates an armor of Light.

Clients and practitioners testify that the Aka Dua is much more potent and expansive than any other energy methodology or system available, and that it has the ability to shift the root cause of challenges to create lasting shifts and transformation. If you are practicing another modality, the Aka Dua will enhance the level of your practice and take it to the next level.​

I am an Aka Dua Level 5 Master Adept, and offer the Aka Dua Level 1 Initiatory Transmission, Level 2 Attunement, Level 3 Master, and Level 4 - Diaphanous Shell training. I also offer in-person group training, and a variety of Experiential Workshops focused on energy healing, wellness and spirituality.

The Aka Dua is essentially an energetic technology and tool for spiritual awakening and attainment of a higher level of consciousness. And yes, it is as well an extraordinary tool for self-healing and the healing of others, that is accessible to anyone with a sincere desire to positively effect the lives of others!

SCHEDULE your Aka Dua Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, or the Starfire Frequency Transmission & Training. If you would like to arrange a private group training in person or at your facility, please connect to schedule. Check my CALENDAR OF EVENTS for upcoming in-person or online Aka Dua workshops!


The words AKA DUA are Egyptian and defined as “unity uttermost shown”, and it is a physical particle with energetic properties that emanates a field of energy. It is this “field of energy” that you feel and utilize once you have received an Aka Dua transmission, and not the substance itself. 

This ancient system is said to originate from the time of the legendary Atlanteans, and was used within the oldest Egyptian rituals in the time of Ce Acatl, the last king of the Toltecs who was the incarnation of Quetzalcoatl. He was exiled in 965 AD, and sent his priests and priestesses to teach people secretly in small groups, first teaching only nobility. Then referred to as the 'Power', it was present in all of the great civilizations of the world within esoteric and metaphysical societies.​

What is now called the AKA DUA, was known as “The Power” throughout ancient history, and thought of as the "Breath of God". The name given was taken from an old poem on the back of the Stela of Ankh ef en Khonsu, an Egyptian funerary offering displayed in the Cairo Museum in Egypt.

 According to the Toltec legends, the Aka Dua began one-seventh part of an Atlantean alchemical substance called Sro. The Sro was a substance intended to promote evolution, which was the Atlantean’s main preoccupation. One of the differences in regards to other healing techniques, is that the Aka Dua was purified and refined for thousands of years, specifically to assist our alchemical transformation and ease planetary transition. In 2007, after being hidden deliberately for 1000 years, Koyote The Blind, a Toltec Nahual, released it to the public.


The Aka Dua consists of 7 Degrees of Mastery. The first three levels are accessible to the ordinary individual. Level Four is only available to those who have attained a certain degree of spiritual evolution. There are seven distinct vibrational frequencies: Solar, Lunar, Atmospheric, Volcanic, Oceanic, Obsidian, and Unnamed.​

Aka Dua Level 1 - Level 1 is reached when you receive the Aka Dua particle of SRO through direct transmission. Over the next 28 days the Aka Dua becomes a part of your body, and gives you access to the Aka Dua frequency most aligned with your alchemical makeup.​

Aka Dua Level 2 - Level 2 is reached when you receive an Attunement that opens the veil, allowing access to the full spectrum of the 7 base frequencies. These frequencies can be combined in innumerable ways.​

Aka Dua Level 3 Master - Level 3 is an initiation and quantum up-leveling that requires the tweaking of your Assemblage Point. This allows you to acquire a new relationship with the Aka Dua, and you are given the ability to represent the lineage through the teaching of how to initiate and give others the Aka Dua Levels 1 and 2.​

Aka Dua Level 4 Adept - Level 4 is available to Level 3's through successful attendance of a 5 - 7 day Diaphanous Shell Intensive. This provides a mastery of magic and mysticism, with the ability to build an etheric body and separate it from the physical body. From this point you begin to create a Light Body and progress on the path of Ascension. The Aka Dua Level 4 Adept is trained to offer the Level 3 Master Attunement to others.​

Aka Dua Level 5 High Adept - Level 5 is not available to the public. It is by invitation and only attainable at an advanced level of spiritual and energetic evolution. The Aka Dua Level 5 avails you to the opportunity to teach the Diaphanous Shell Intensive.​


Like the Mayans, the Toltecs use calendars that follow the natural cycles. The largest cycle in the Toltec and Mayan calendars spans 26,000 years. The Aka Dua is important because it was designed specifically for use at the end of the current 26,000 year cycle, which ended in 2012. It has since then begun an evolutionary process that is unprecedented, and quite powerful!​


Someone who has the Aka Dua simply forms an intent to activate it from within and send it. The Aka Dua is a physical and palpable force, that can be sent via the hands, eyes, heart, or even through ones entire auric field to the target, whether that is a person, place, or an object.​

Working at higher levels with the Aka Dua has opened many Adepts to bring through extraordinary new technologies, methodologies, knowledge and information. Since receiving the Aka Dua Level 1 in 2007, I have received profound information and advanced modalities that I share in teachings such as MUdra Kama, Lemurian Healing, and my conscious sacred artifacts available in my Etsy shop @ ALCHEMICAL SACREDS.

MUdra KAMA | Lemurian Hand & Body Mudras for Spiritual Evolution, DNA Activation, Whole Health Healing, and Personal Ascension

MUdra Kama is offered in-person in small groups of 5 -15 participants, and online 2 - 10 participants. Check for online classes on my EVENT CALENDAR. If you would like to schedule a class at your facility, please CONTACT ME to schedule.

If you schedule an Individual Training Session versus registering for a calendared Group Class, I reserve the right to add additional interested parties into our session, to accommodate a larger number of participants. If you are interested in having me teach in a group format at your location, please contact me to schedule.

I am in training with the Lemurians to bring forward a Level 2 MUdra Body Conduit class, and hope to present it in the near future. This is a system of full body Lemurian MUdras activating spontaneous Light ignition throughout the body.

What is MUdra Kama?

MUdra Kama is a sacred and ancient spiritual practice of the Lemurians, which opens and clarifies our channel of divine communication to source consciousness - God. We then identify God as being part of self, and this internal experience and nearness to God allows us to feel more fulfilled, whole and complete as we journey through life.​

MUdra Kama is a system that acknowledges our true divine nature, and that we are resonant, crystalline Beings!​

The regular practice of MUdra Kama is a tool to assist spiritual Ascension. This indeed is about your ability to exist in human form as an expanded and radiant Being - opening and allowing your true light body essence to expand and shine, and standing steadfast in the light and direct communion with God. Which of course, is you.

Healing is what the body is fully capable of doing, when it’s brought back towards a state of energetic balance and alignment. MUdra Kama assists one in reaching and maintaining balance, alchemical awakening on a cellular/DNA level, growing in spiritual awareness, and expanding intuition. Residing within a heightened state of Being in this lifetime is where we are meant to exist and live, and the practice of MUdra Kama will help you flow through whatever the act of living throws at you. 

In the MUdra Kama: Ancient Lemurian Codes for Soul Consciousness training, you will receive the Lemurian Alchemy Frequencies transmission, and learn six powerful Mudras and magical passages for healing and spiritual transfiguration that assist the process of our ASCENSION - the raising of ones’ light frequencies to a point of Celestial Frequency where we acknowledge and recognize our own divinity. 

Within this state of divine radiance, we hold complete awareness that God works As and Through us, and we approach all aspects of our lives from this state of heightened awareness, consciousness, and intuition. As you work with MUdra Kama, you will more deeply access and/or awaken latent spiritual gifts and abilities, and align with your true path and purpose. This ancient spiritual practice is for YOU, and holds lifetime benefit with continued practice that positively affects every aspect of your life, both physical and nonphysical. In addition, it has the ability to exponentially elevate any spiritual or healing methods and modalities that you currently practice, enhance creativity, promote and expedite healing on all levels, and karmic release.


The Soul Frequencies of Lemuria are... 

1. Bio-conductive, electromagnetic frequencies, which effect the entire body on a cellular level.

2. Transfigurative in nature, activating dormant DNA and reconnecting light strands to bring one closer to our natural, divine state of being within the physical vessel.

3. A powerful creative source of expression through a system of Mudras, each having a primary focus, as well as creating a divine stream of consciousness effecting body, mind, and soul when performed as a Magical Pass - a flowing sequence of Mudras with the intake and outtake of the breath. 

Mechanisms at play within the physical body... 

The body is primarily made up of water. Each water molecule containing salt and diverse ions, making it an excellent conductor of electricity. A primary point of focus being the opening of the Heart, followed by a subsequent elevation of spiritual consciousness. The heart is the greatest generator of electricity within the entire body; the pumping and spiral motion creating a magnetic field that extends well beyond the surface of the skin. It creates electrical, sound, pressure, heat, light, magnetic and electromagnetic signals. 

And the fascial system - the connective tissue that surrounds every aspect of our body - is an extraordinary super highway of electricity and light impulses, as the circulatory system pulses with electricity with each beat of the heart, and the body moves through the mechanisms of motion with a key focus on the breath.

Phyllis Anne Douglass

CMT, CPT, ERYT 500, CAMTC ID# 56843

Interested in booking a Presentation, Performance, Group Workshop, or Speaking Engagement? I look forward to connecting with you!​

I do not book sessions over the phone. If you wish to schedule a session, including a FREE 20-minute Discovery Connection, please book ONLINE.​

I look forward to connecting with you!​

/ https://dot.cards/EvolutionaryGrace 

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Venmo: @phyllis-douglass or PayPal: paypal.me/PhyllisDouglass

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