"I've never known someone who is so grounded in her purpose."

“It is with such excitement that I write about my exhilarating experience with Phyllis Douglass. First of all at this stage in my experience, I only seek spiritual counsel from my spiritual pantheons. When I was in Phyllis’s presence I felt something unique and powerful about her. This lead me to asking about a private session with her. This is, by no means, the "run of the mill spiritual reading, divination, healing session". It is something I never experienced in this lifetime! This beautiful soul has an extremely unique way of moving through portals and not just unlocking hidden blockages but clearing them, and giving gifts from other dimensions. Words are no match for capturing my experience. My session was met with tears, joy, unexplained connections and presences. She is a phenomenal, unique other worldly gifted angelic life form walking amongst us! If you are reading this you are doing yourself a disservice not to take this opportunity to share a space in her extraordinary, mystical, multidimensional world. Truly was my honor and much needed shifts for my soul! Thank you so much, Phyllis!" Elana (Soul Resonance Realignment)​

"Phyllis has an amazing gift of channeling healing energies and moving it throughout the body so that it finds balance and create harmony. Using her voice, tuning forks, drums, and her hands, she uses intuition to guide her to the areas of the body that require healing. It’s as if the body is speaking to her. I had an issue with my left eye and during one session I received a complete healing. Every session is unique. Every session is powerfully moving - physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I have been tremendously blessed by her work and healing gifts!"

~ SB

"The things Phyllis does with energy is beyond me!"​

"Phyllis has an imperceptible knack for pinpointing the key cause of dysfunction, no matter how elusive, and calling it out in a way that is gentle and compassionate. She touched me lightly and stated that there had been a traumatic experience in the past, and as she held her hand on my back, I felt my spine begin to move and literally uncoil from a curvature I have had since the age of 17!" ~ Nancy Alcorn​

"AMAZING. Every time I go I feel so grounded in Truth, and the last few sessions have been truly LIFE- SHIFTING. I have experienced transformative healing in the last 3 sessions; I have released DEEP blockages from this lifetime and past. I feel like a fresh, new person! It is phenomenal how divine spirits, angels, and beings work through Phyllis. Phyllis is the real deal! She is definitely someone who came to assist humanities ascension to higher spiritual places." ~ Daniel R.​

"I have worked with Phyllis for several sessions in Energy Healing Medicine, and I couldn’t be more pleased with the results I’ve found and continue to have. Periods of highs and lows are an absolute in life, and like many, I found myself needing some type of remediation. I had begun looking to traditional psychotherapy as I have in the past. After some difficulty in finding a therapist that worked for me and counsel in the direction that I felt was fitting, I knew I needed to find another type of medicine. I was instantly drawn to Phyllis’ work. In my first session with her, I experienced a sense of calmness and relaxation that I’ve never had in my life. After several sessions, I have come to find a much more tuned self. I have also felt a strong sense of alignment in my overall wellness- something I’ve never been able to see as clearly as now. Aside from her great work, she is a great soul! Very pleasant to work with; I felt comfortable and welcomed on my very first visit. Also, the debriefings are always very helpful and insightful; leaving you to really examine your experience as needed. Thank you!" ~ Steven F.

"The brilliancy of who she is speaks to people before the session even begins!"​

"I have experienced readings by many different people over the years, but I have never experienced anyone like Phyllis. Her combination of intuitive gifts, angelic vocalizations, and deep inner wisdom come together to create a powerful healing experience. 

During my session which focused on an Akashic Records reading, she provided insight into the past, present, and future with meaningful interpretations. She answered my questions fully, providing deep wisdom to guide my evolution. 

Beyond information, the healing vocalizations she performed allowed me to release trapped emotional energy that had been stuck in my heart and chest for most of my life. She went further and gave me a vocalization specific to me to continue to release other energies that arise on my own. So much was shared that I filled four pages with notes that I return to as I process the experience and apply our findings going forward. 

Because we did our session during the period of coronavirus self-isolation, our session was by video chat. I did not feel that anything was lost by our physical separation. I am excited, in fact, that this is the case - - because it means that sessions with Phyllis need not wait. I recommend her with gratitude and my whole heart." ~ Gina K.​

"I am deeply grateful for the Soul Resonance Alignment I had with Phyllis that changed my life! I was guided to find a teacher and connecting to Phyllis I felt so much joy and honor, as she is an incredible shaman and wisdom keeper of light codes meant to raise the vibration of this planet. After these sessions, I released so much of what was not serving me and I felt how aspects of my soul are coming back and integrating in my energy field. I received so many insights, healing and activations during the session that put me on my path and I felt so empowered and connected to my true purpose on this planet. I highly recommend Phyllis for anyone looking to shift consciousness, realize their potential, and remember their multi-dimensional Self!" ~ Livia​

I have been working on clearing negative thought forms, patterns and energies for quite a long time now, never really being able to stay clear, no matter what. All of this has now changed after my session with Phyllis! She was able to remove a specific aspect from my Akashic record, transmute it and finally, I am released! Negative energy, entities, reversal aspects have been removed,

energy re-arranged and I have now been able to experience a truly grounded, spiritual re-patterning of my soul purpose. 

Not only in the physical realm, but energetically I am more fully present and grounded, but also feeling immense blissful expansion in my spiritual fields - accessing my full self - my full soul! Phyllis also was able to bring in my Sacred Light Scroll and I am now able to access an entirely different and profound wealth of spirit that I was unable to ever access previously. Phyllis and I also experienced a mutual sacred healing activation pattern - one that provided spiritual, emotional and physically healing to both of us bestowed in divine Grace; a pattern that we can recognize and can now utilize as we move forward. 

I am so excited for this new shift in my spirituality, my conscious evolution and my freedom to now access the gifts that I have carried with me for so long! Thank you Phyllis, thank you Spirit, thank you to our Divine Creator!!!" ~ AnneMarie M.

"It's like . . . she Livestreams Angels!"​

"I was profoundly moved by Vox Angelus. Her voice was etherial, spiritual, angelic, and took me by surprise! The tears began to flow because my heart just wanted to burst.”​

"If you want to have an experience that will literally levitate you right out of your chair...call Phyllis or Vox Angelus. Whatever you want to call her, it is a phenomenally healing experience just being in the room." 

"Within the first few moments I had to open my eyes and look, thinking there had to be more than one person singing! I felt empowered to take action in my life. And hearing her voice left me deeply relaxed, and I released some heavy energy I had been carrying for years!"​

"OMG! When she sings it's like listening to God! I mean literally." 

"I cannot describe what I am feeling inside. Love. An overwhelming sense of peace and gratitude. I looked around me and saw several people with tears streaming down their faces." 

"I've never experienced anything like this before! The pain I had been experiencing in my hip is totally gone! 

“I’ve heard first-hand testimonials, and everyone has expressed an immediate, profound touch from within and from above. Centers are turned on and channels activated in what seems to be specific and unique sequences. Everyone has demonstrated different levels of awareness with it; and regardless of how they experience it or describe it, all seem to have been touched by the Angel.”​​

"One word, "incredible"... Thank you for sharing your beauty with us! I was blown away!" 

"If you've never experienced Vox Angelus (Phyllis Douglass) you must check this out. Her voice is truly transcendent! I was wiping away tears of pure bliss that is her voice!" 

"Phyllis, your presence filled my soul last night...I'm thankful to have been a part of such a beautiful experience last night! I'm still in awe of you and can still here your beautiful voice resonating through me...you moved me to tears of the upmost love and joy!!! Thank you!" 

"Amen sister. It was an amazing treat to hear you sing in the language of light. Just thinking about it gives me goosebumps! The energy I was feeling while you were singing was beautiful, words can hardly describe it. Loved every moment of the experience last night."​

“In her classes, Phyllis flows with the universe, and she carries me right along with her.” ~ Sandy G.​

“Today I experienced a totally unexpected opening in Phyllis’s class, that extended well beyond the studio walls, and marched out into my life with a new sense of empowerment! I highly recommend this class to anyone seeking a different and more organic way of moving and loving their body.” ~ Meaghan J.​

"It's not just what Phyllis teaches. It is how she teaches, her very apparent passion for all she has to share, and the fact that she doesn't practice superficial spirituality. She lives it in a very authentic way!" Gabriel A.

Phyllis Anne Douglass

CMT, CPT, ERYT 500, CAMTC ID# 56843

Interested in booking a Presentation, Performance, Group Workshop, or Speaking Engagement? I look forward to connecting with you!​

I do not book sessions over the phone. If you wish to schedule a session, including a FREE 20-minute Discovery Connection, please book ONLINE.​

I look forward to connecting with you!​

/ https://dot.cards/EvolutionaryGrace 

Do you wish to DONATE towards the progression of my work? If so, thank you! You may do so one of the following:

Venmo: @phyllis-douglass or PayPal: paypal.me/PhyllisDouglass

Send me a message
and I’ll get back to you shortly.