Congratulations and much gratitude for purchasing my new book, "ONE - A Journey To A New Way Of Being"
An Angelical Map for Humankind. Enjoy the journey!

Greetings Beautiful Being,​

With the purchase of my new book, you receive the FREE corresponding Audiobook reading by the Angels, adding the element of encoded and frequency-based SOUND and FREQUENCY a creative force and catalyst for transformation to this multidimensional, frequency-based alchemical tome.​

If this link was not specifically provided to you for an agreed upon purpose to download this audiobook, please respect my hard work and intellectual property, by NOT downloading this audiobook file if you did not purchase my book that goes with it. 

This is an opportunity to take an extraordinary, and very personal, spiritual voyage to a new way of Being!​

Click the links below to download either or both of the digital file types.​

Haven't purchased the book? You can do so HERE, as this Audiobook is truly an extraordinary companion piece to the book, which was written with the Angels of the Elohim. The path that you are awakened to, and the question you pose each time you embark on a voyage through the Light Language and frequency encoded imagery, makes the book a sacred tool for your spiritual and healing journey!

Phyllis Anne Douglass

CMT, CPT, ERYT 500, CAMTC ID# 56843

Interested in booking a Presentation, Performance, Group Workshop, or Speaking Engagement? I look forward to connecting with you!​

I do not book sessions over the phone. If you wish to schedule a session, including a FREE 20-minute Discovery Connection, please book ONLINE.​

I look forward to connecting with you!​


Do you wish to DONATE towards the progression of my work? If so, thank you! You may do so one of the following:

Venmo: @phyllis-douglass or PayPal:

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and I’ll get back to you shortly.