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DEEP DIVE Vision Quest Transmission with Elohim | Replay with Vox Angelus |


Package includes your Video Access Link (Unlimited Viewing), Sacred Medicine Alchemy Symbol, and information regarding the Transmission in PDF format. [NOTE: Access Link must be physically typed in search engine, and is case sensitive.]


The Deep Dive Vision Quest is a deeply transformative unfoldment of spiritual healing and transfiguration with Elohim. Including directed facilitation via Vocal Alchemical Transmission, you receive a Sacred Medicine Symbol provided by the Elohim, as a downloadable digital file. This is a prescriptive Angelic symbol or sigil, that is divinely encoded and aligned with the shamanic intention of the Deep Dive Vision Quest.


MANIFEST your intention into reality, DISCOVER more about yourself, TRANSFORM a life circumstance, CONNECT with higher consciousness, or just be OPEN to receive what is most needed to change or elevate your life trajectory!


My work through the eyes of the Shaman, the wisdom of a Woman of Knowledge, and the Alchemy of magical and unlimited possibilities, is to create an Access Point and illuminate your path home to your true Self.


This is the replay of a group event offered Online, and you attend from the comfort of your own home, which deeply facilitates your ability to integrate and assimilate your experience.


Make sure you're in a comfortable space, warm, seated or lying down, with no distractions. Silence your phone. Drink water prior to viewing/ particpating, and have it accessible throughout your journey.


Please do not drink alcohol in participation of viewing the Deep Dive Vision Quest. Cacao is a wonderful drink to consume prior for heart opening, but we do not suggest ANY form of plant medicines. The session relies on Energy, Frequency, and Vibration provided through Elohim that is prescriptive in nature; attuned, calibrated, and aligned with a specific task. 


On this journey, you are given an Access Point through which to manifest your intention into reality, discover more about yourself, transform a life circumstance, connect with higher consciousness, or just be open to receive what is most needed to change or elevate your life trajectory!


This journey can be taken as many times you wish by holding new intentions, or to dig deeper, shift further, take the next step, or garner further information on a subject, topic, circumstance or experience.


This work is about "Coming Home to Self", and accessing what lies beyond perceived challenges and limitations; or past the boundary of your imagination into a space of unlimited potential.


It is about finding your ultimate alignment, and coming into a divine state of balance allowing healing, transformation, and access to the higher wisdom and knowledge that is YOU.


The downloadable digital file in PDF format, must be printed out prior to your viewing/ participation in this powerful journeying opportunity. If you do not have a printer, you can do a side-by-side on your laptop or computer with the video.


*** Headphones or quality earbuds are recommended as these online events are performed with special sound technology for precision, clarity, and quality of sound. Make sure that you are in a space that is comfortable, and where there will be no distractions. You may wish to have a blanket, pillow, and eye covering. You may also wish to have a bottle of water, journal, and something to write with.

DEEP DIVE Vision Quest Transmission with Elohim + Sacred Medicine Symbol

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